Utility of Kent's Repertory in the treatment of candidiasis: An open labelled, Single arm, interventional clinical trial


  • Nitin Kumar Saklani
  • Ramkripal Prajapati




Candidiasis, Numeric Rating Scale, Muco-cutaneous Candidiasis assessment questionnaire (MCAQ), Individualized Homoeopathy



Background: Candidiasis is the most significant opportunistic infection impacting the Quality of life. Objective: This study assess the effectiveness of individualized homoeopathy (IH) in centesimal scale selected from the Kent’s repertory in cases of Candidiasis. Methods: This is open – label, prospective, Single-arm, non-randomized, non-controlled clinical trial of pre-post comparison design was conducted at the Repertory outpatient department (OPD) of National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, India. Result: Calculated t29 value is 8.04 OR 9.17 by using NRS and MCAQ scoring scale and on referring t-table at degree of freedom 29,  it is found that the t-value is 2.05 at p=0.05. However our calculated value 8.04 or 9.17 is > 2.05 (t at p=0.05). As the calculated t-value is greater than the table value at α  = 0.05 . So the result is significant at p ≤ 0.05. There is statically significant improvement in pre and post intervention status of patients enrolled in this clinical study. Conclusion: This study provides a positive trend to support the effect of IH (Individualized Homoeopathy) selected on the basis of principal of Kent’s repertory  in patients with different variety of candidiasis and warrants further evaluation in RCT (Randomized control trial) with higher sample size.

Author Biography

Ramkripal Prajapati

Private Practice, Chilwaniya, Nagpur, Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh; Former Postgraduate Trainee, Dept. of Case Taking and Repertory, National Institute of Homoeopathy, Govt. of India.





How to Cite

Saklani, N. K., & Prajapati, R. (2024). Utility of Kent’s Repertory in the treatment of candidiasis: An open labelled, Single arm, interventional clinical trial. International Journal of High Dilution Research - ISSN 1982-6206, 23(cf), 16–28. https://doi.org/10.51910/ijhdr.v23icf.1294



Clinical Research