Gain of mass between two profiles of treatments to pigs with Self-Organizing Factors


  • Silvio Leite Monteiro da Silva
  • Angelo Herbert Moreira Arcanjo
  • Lucas da Rocha Pinto
  • Gabriel Pinto Rosa
  • Gustavo Henrique de Souza



Highly-diluted medicines are used in clinical practice to treat many pathologies of pigs [1-4]. This therapeutic tool had its potential for valued use due to the global scenario changing on the restriction to limit of antimicrobial residues in the security feeding and production of foods from animal origin for human consume, especially the meat production [5]. Through the evidence of mass measurement, the usage profile of group B treatment shown to work with pigs and give greater weight live gain in group A during the available trial. Future studies should be conducted with larger numbers of animals to confirm the incidence of the unique profile, with replications to assess the complete production cycle, including the relationship ending / sow / year. Finally, other scales and dilutions should be analyzed to adjust for best answer from the best treatment effect profile





Monteiro da Silva, S. L., Arcanjo, A. H. M., Pinto, L. da R., Rosa, G. P., & de Souza, G. H. (2021). Gain of mass between two profiles of treatments to pigs with Self-Organizing Factors. International Journal of High Dilution Research - ISSN 1982-6206, 10(36), 271–282.

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